01706 378160
7 Hare Hill Rd, Littleborough OL15 9AD

About L D Rigg Butchers

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Beautiful, Fresh Cuts Everyday

It all started as a 15-year-old boy wanting to change my life to get away from the bad that was surrounding me and try to start a new way of life. 

At the time my dream was to be a chef and was going to go in the RAF catering core,
I saw a job advertise in a butcher near my school and thought I would apply to get some work experience on a Saturdays.


I got the job and started working the following week. Everything was fantastic I was surprised how much I enjoyed it. It was so cold and smelly all the horrible cleaning jobs that nobody wants to do. 


Making sausage and doing small butchery got me hooked. so, when I left school, they offered me full time employment and I took it.

Well, that was the start of L D Rigg The butcher. I did 3 years as an apprentice at Matthews butchers which was one of best, if not the best butchers in greater Manchester. I served my time and learnt an immense amount about the trade and the job.


I then went on to work for who is now a good friend Stuart Taylor within Kwik Save, were I started the management side of my career, I spent around 5 good years running various stores for Stuart. All awhile I was learning how to move forward and found L D Rigg butchers.


I then moved through a couple of different employments whilst picking up more valuable experience and then I got a phone call from Liam Bell who was looking at selling his business. So, on the 1st of January 2014 I became the very proud owner of what is now L D Rigg butchers.


Since then, I worked hard to push the business forward and make it the success it is today. Which I must say; none of the success would have been achievable had it not been for my wife Mrs Nicolle Rigg who has been my backbone when things have not gone so well 

Lee D Rigg
L D Rigg Butchers Owner


Meet The Team

We are pleased to introduce to you our fantastic and hard-working team who work tirelessly in our butcher shop, making sure you are served, your meat is freshly cut and give you a smile when you come in.

Nicolle Rigg
The Real Boss
Collette (Sister in Law)
Counter Assistant
Counter Asssistant
Counter Assistant
Lee D Rigg
Owner L D Rigg Butchers